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Transactional Email Providers

Redwood currently only uses transactional emails for account verification (if enabled), but you can use the integration for other purposes (e.g. sending an email to a player with a gift since they haven't been online in awhile, players receive a message from in-game chat, etc.).

Currently, the only supported email provider is SendGrid.

SendGrid Configuration

Below are the configuration variables available in RedwoodBackend/config/node/default/sendgrid.yaml:

api-key: ""
name: "Company"
address: "1234 Address St"
city: "City"
state: "State"
zip: "12345"
verify-email: ""
no-reply: "Company <[email protected]>"

You'll need to configure the api-key with an API Key; it's recommended you use Restricted Access and only enable mail sending.

You'll need to create a Dynamic Template for the email verification and specify the Template ID (reference the guide linked here on how to retrieve it) in templates.verify-email. When creating the Dynamic Template for email verification, you'll need to provide a URL for the player to click to verify the email. It should have the syntax: https://<yourhostname>/verify-email/{{email_verification_secret}}. Leave {{email_verification_secret}} as is, but replace <yourhostname with the hostname specified in the deployment.redwood.hostname config variable (e.g.

You'll also need to change to be an email that you have set up as an authorized sender identity.