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Simple Match

The simple-match provider is a dead-simple matchmaker that is useful in development to emulates the Open Match provider. This provider was built when the dev-initiator was created as a stub since Open Match requires Linux/Kubernetes. It uses the same game.ticketing-profiles config variable as Open Match and also makes shallow matches after ticketing.match-making-max-wait-until-make-shallow-match-ms elapses.

If you're curious about the implementation, the majority of the logic can be found in RedwoodBackend/packages/realm-backend/src/ticketing/match-making/index.ts and search for TicketingProvider.SimpleMatch (primarily see the implementation under the fetchPotentialMatches function).


Simple Match was not developed with scalability in mind; while it may suffice in staging/demo environments, we don't recommend using it in production environments that need to scale.


See the common matchmaking config variables in the Open Match section.