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Steam Authentication

The steam provider uses the Steamworks API to authenticate users automatically when the game launches from Steam. If you distribute your game through Steam, this provider allows for a painless onboarding experience.


auth.steam.api-keyThe Steamworks Web API publisher authentication key. Steamworks AppID for your game.


  1. Create a Steamworks Web API publisher key (not a user key) following Steam's documentation

  2. Update the above configuration

  3. Enable the RedwoodSteam plugin by manually adding it to your .uproject file or via Edit > Plugins

  4. Update your project to use the Login with Steam function instead of the normal Login function. You can use the provided Blueprint node.

    • This function has the same auth update callback/delegate as the normal Login function.
    • You can also use the C++ function: static void URedwoodSteamTitleInterface::LoginWithSteam(URedwoodTitleInterface *TitleInterface, FRedwoodAuthUpdateDelegate OnUpdate) by including RedwoodTitleInterface.h and adding the RedwoodSteam module to your .Build.cs file.
  5. Update your UE project's Config/Default.engine to enable the Steam online subsystem, but making sure to disable Steam networking:


    There are no other configuration changes you need. SteamAuth is automatically handled by the RedwoodSteam plugin. DO NOT change the NetDriver that you might find in other guides on setting up Steam with Unreal.


    Like all Steam games, you'll need to ensure that in Shipping builds that a steam_appid.txt is distributed with your game. Non-Shipping builds create this text file using SteamDevAppId when the game launches (and deletes it when the game closes). Read more in the official Unreal documentation.